My Very Own Library Pirate Adventure 2019
The My Very Own Library DREAM Book Fairs offers more than 2,000 students in the Dominican Republic the opportunity to select ten new books in Spanish over the course of the school year. The book fairs include motivational literacy activities and inspiring special guests that generate excitement for reading, helping parents’ better support reading in the home. Participating students will be selected from five area public schools as well as DREAM’s Early Childhood and High Quality Primary Education programs, including the Montessori Early Childhood Program, Young Stars, Summer Schools and Camps.
To celebrate our second pirate themed fair of the year, we are pleased to welcome Rita Rosa Ruesga, a Cuban author, educator, singer-song writer, and speaker. Her albums for children have received four Latin Grammy Nominations. Her book Los Mariachis won first place at the International Latino Book Awards 2014 and is well known for the Spanish English book La Piñata. Ruesga’s work is celebrated and used in many classrooms across the world as a way of intertwining storytelling, vocabulary and music.
Aye Aye Captain! Student tries on a pirate hat
Students pick out three books to add to their personal library at home
Rita Rosa Ruesga and public school students reading out loud rhymes
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