“The greatest sign of success for a teacher is to be able to say, ‘The children are now working as if I did not exist.‘“
- Maria Montessori
Founder of the Montessori Method
Montessori Preschools
Our Solution
DREAM started its first preschool in 2004, and the Montessori Academy was launched in 2007 with the inauguration of the DREAM Center in Cabarete. The Montessori Method focuses on alternative educational opportunities based on childhood development theories for children ages two to seven. Children are free to explore their intelligence while socially developing. Our program allows children to grow and develop at their own pace while encouraging play and exploration in a safe learning environment. Teachers act as guides who promote and enable students to be independent, taking ownership of their own development.
In a mixed-age environment specifically designed to help children develop at their own pace, children choose their own activities from the Montessori materials that are displayed in an accessible way. Children work individually, or in small groups, with hands-on activities that are designed to help them develop physically, socially and intellectually.

The mission of The DREAM Project's Montessori Program is to offer comprehensive, high-quality education at the initial and basic level for low-income children in various communities in the Dominican Republic. Our program uses the Montessori methodology as the basis of its pedagogical practices in addition to incorporating inclusion and family education as part of the academic program.
What is Montessori?
Prepared Environment
We work designing harmonious and comprehensive learning spaces that include support at the psychological, cognitive and family levels. We understand education as an active process that must support the student in developing civic abilities, critical thinking, independence and autonomy. Children explore and find things out for themselves within a classroom in environment that is highly structured with activities aimed at specific areas of development. Students become confident in their own abilities, because the environment naturally encourages them to persevere and correct their own mistakes as they attempt to master the activities displayed around the room, which increase in difficulty as the students advance.
Each classroom provides materials and activities that guide children’s developing abilities in practical life skills, the Spanish language, math, science, art and culture, sensory learning and music. Our learning spaces are designed to help students develop and care for themselves, their environment and each other. Children learn how to do things, such as: pouring and scooping, using kitchen utensils, washing dishes, polishing objects, scrubbing tables and cleaning up. They also learn how to dress themselves, tie their shoes, wash their hands,and other self-care practices.
Practical Life
Caring for one-self and for one’s environment is an important part of Montessori education. This area is designed to help students develop and care for themselves, the environment and each other. They learn through a wide variety of materials and activities.
Sensory Learning
All learning first comes through the senses. There are many different Montessori sensorial materials designed to help the child refine their tactile, visual and auditory senses.
The language curriculum, especially in the early years, includes everything from vocabulary development to writing and reading. For example, children learn basic phonic letter sounds through the use of sandpaper letters.
Montessori Preschool

What families say:
“Montessori is the best school in this area. I remember there were many opportunities for me to see [my son] in his classroom learning. I helped as a volunteer mom and learned a lot from the teachers. Professor Wilner, Maribel, Danilsi [and] Jose Miguel loved my son very much and always treated him well. We were very lucky to have him attend Montessori…because he was able to learn at his own pace with us. ”
— Catalina Reyes Pockrandt, Mother
“I really like being here. I started DREAM at three years old. I like to walk into the office to say hi to Debra and Ariangel. I will see my teachers in each classroom. I feel happy here, because I learn a lot. I would not change anything, because I like everything about DREAM!”
— Violette, seven-year-old student
See more about Montessori Programs
Escuelita de Padres